Our mascot, the Gnome, originated in Enchilada's attic. Enchilada in the past, has blamed the Gnome for random mischievous acts around her household.
The Gnome adores: mischief, front lawns, attics, lady Gnomes, potatoes, Top Hat's purse, Ginger, fanfiction and holding hands.
The Gnome hates: anything related to math, bees, annoying animals that knock him over, dust, when people pick on his height, being compared to a smurf, Enchilada's mommy's ADD, and mystical flying horseshoes.
The Gnome is also EXTREMELY protective of Top Hat and Enchilada (and Ginger) and is mentally unstable.
Check out his own, personal blog at http://theweelittlegnome.blogspot.com/